Financial management with Dynamics 365 | iFacto
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ERP software for financial business processes

Streamline financial business processes and gain insights into figures with the Microsoft Dynamics 365 finance module.

Centraal geïntegreerd financieel beheer met ERP

Central integrated financial management

The Dynamics 365 financial module has numerous functionality which can simplify your accounting in a clearer manner. This way, accounting operations run smoothly and always remain up-to-date.

Clear management of all transactions

Navigate accounting transactions smoothly and easily track all transactions of a single entry at a glance. Dynamics 365 provides clear management.

Send invoices, credit notes and other documents electronically instead of manually. Close accounting periods quickly and prepare all declarations digitally (VAT, IC, annual and Intrastat declarations).  Also pay electronically via Isabel and read out statements via CODA. A link with Accon is also provided. Thus, day-to-day accounting tasks are simplified in the short term. By means of the integrated consultations in VIES on the validity of VAT numbers (customers and suppliers), legal listings and returns always remain up-to-date. It saves time and frustration in these periodically recurring processes.

Electronische documentverwerking en digitale aangiftes

Comprehensive financial insights and transparent monitoring

Dynamics 365 offers reporting options for a clear view and provides comprehensive financial insights with its far-reaching analytics and reports. Set budgets easily, and track them at a glance. An Excel import and export is also provided.

Make use of comprehensive general and analytical accounting for an unlimited number of companies in a database. Draw up financial consolidation between companies with different charts of accounts and base currencies.

Fixed asset management is smooth and streamlined by automatic depreciation calculations. Accurate monitoring of debtors ensures timely communication and provides confidence. As is the clear monitoring of cash flows with transparent liquidity in both the short and medium term. 

Uitgebreide financiële inzichten, verregaande analyses en rapporten



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